- 7am Wake up and drink 6 oz formula bottle
- 7:30-9:30 Nap/Back to sleep
- 10am Breakfast is Rice Cereal or Oatmeal mixed with 1/2 container of fruit & 4 oz formula bottle. Classical music playing. {Bathtime after breakfast every other day.}
- 10:30am Walker Exercise. Top 40/Dance music playing.
- 11:15am Sits in bouncer to watch Baby Einstein educational video, then offer water & small snack.
- Noon Playtime with Mommy includes bubbles, balls, blocks, peekaboo, tummy time, looking at photo albums, practicing sign language, etc. Reggae music playing. {She loves it...not my choice! lol}
- 1pm Lunch is a 6 oz formula bottle. Classical music playing.
- 1:30pm Nap. Continue classical music and uses a lavendar infused pillow.
- 2:45pm Sits in Bumbo to "read" books. Offer water & small snack.
- 3:30pm Walker exercise. Kid's Tunes music playing.
- 4pm Dinner is 1 container of veggies & a 4 oz formula bottle. Classical music playing.
- 4:45pm Nap. Continue classical music and uses a lavendar infused pillow.
- 6pm Playtime with Mommy & Daddy includes rough-housing with Daddy, bubbles, balls, blocks, peekaboo, tummy time, looking at photo albums, practicing sign language, etc. Kid's Tunes music playing.
- 7pm 6 oz formula bottle. Classical music playing.
- 8pm Quiet time in bouncer.
- 9-10pm Last 6 oz formula bottle & bed.
Snacks include: Plain Whole Grain Cheerios, baby yogurt &/or Gerber Puffs.