Monday, October 24, 2011


Wow...almost forgot I had a freakin blog. Lol. Life's been hectic what can I say??

So we aren't buying a house anymore. We ran outta time and we r lookin 2 rent. Not easy when u have 3 dogs and one's a pitbull. =/ Can't wait til we find the perfect house 2 rent cuz I am literally goin insane livin out here. This house is wayyyy too small for the 3 of us and 3 dogs. Bad choice on our part. And it's wayyyy too far from all my friends and family. I never see anyone and it's so lonely.

I did start my own business selling custom painted blocks. I've made sum decent $ outta it too!! I bought Rori a crap ton of bday and xmas gifts and still have $ to spare. The orders keep comin. I even had to order more blocks and I had over 500!! Whoa!! =)  It's nice to have a lil bit of my own money again. That's another thing that was drivin me insane.

Rori is now 10 months old {on the 29th} & i can hardly believe it! She's almost one and growing too fast. Literally!! She is the size of a 1 yr old according to her dr. Lol. Tall and skinny just like her mama. ;) She is eating so many different foods now, it's fun! She loves grapes. {Skinned, cut up & seedless of course.}

Me and Tom r doin well. We hit a rough patch in August but after every storm there's a rainbow and we've found our rainbow. Poor guy works so hard and goes to school...we don't ever get to see each other. Rori cries when he leaves in the morning and when he gets home at 9:30pm at night she wakes up...right on cue. If he goes to take a shower she gets upset. It's so sad. Can't wait til he doesn't hafta go to school AND work f/t. U know...when we win the lottery! Psh. If any1 deserves it, it's Tom. I have friends that have douchebag baby daddy's and it makes me realize how lucky I am to have Tom. {I think he's pretty lucky to have me too! Puttin up with his grumpiness and taking excellent care of his daughter! ;) } I am no housewife...don't know how many times I can say that lol but I try!

Recently I can't help but feel that Rori is my only friend. And besides Tom, my only family. It's sad when u hafta BEG ur own family members 2 visit u...and they don't wanna participate in Rori's first holidays. Makes me sad. So if Tom came to me tomorrow and said we r movin back to TX i'd say ok. At least Tom's family would b there 4 me. His parents r so kind and accepting of me. TX or England. I'd move to either ina heartbeat...and I'd prolly see my friends and family as much as i do now...never.

Anyways...I know I should focus on the good and i try to every day. It's just lonely and cramped here. Sigh...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby Schedule

So I'm really curious what other ppl's schedules for their babies are. Here's Rori's. Note that obviously it changes daily but this is what I try to stick to:

  • 7am Wake up and drink 6 oz formula bottle
  • 7:30-9:30 Nap/Back to sleep
  • 10am Breakfast is Rice Cereal or Oatmeal mixed with 1/2 container of fruit & 4 oz formula bottle. Classical music playing. {Bathtime after breakfast every other day.}
  • 10:30am Walker Exercise. Top 40/Dance music playing.
  • 11:15am Sits in bouncer to watch Baby Einstein educational video, then offer water & small snack.
  • Noon Playtime with Mommy includes bubbles, balls, blocks, peekaboo, tummy time, looking at photo albums, practicing sign language, etc. Reggae music playing. {She loves it...not my choice! lol}
  • 1pm Lunch is a 6 oz formula bottle. Classical music playing.
  • 1:30pm Nap. Continue classical music and uses a lavendar infused pillow.
  • 2:45pm Sits in Bumbo to "read" books. Offer water & small snack.
  • 3:30pm Walker exercise. Kid's Tunes music playing.
  • 4pm Dinner is 1 container of veggies & a 4 oz formula bottle. Classical music playing.
  • 4:45pm Nap. Continue classical music and uses a lavendar infused pillow.
  • 6pm Playtime with Mommy & Daddy includes rough-housing with Daddy, bubbles, balls, blocks, peekaboo, tummy time, looking at photo albums, practicing sign language, etc. Kid's Tunes music playing.
  • 7pm 6 oz formula bottle. Classical music playing.
  • 8pm Quiet time in bouncer.
  • 9-10pm Last 6 oz formula bottle & bed.
Other: Skype with Granny in Bolivia & family in England, Beach, Dog Park, Friend's houses, store, walk to mailbox {weather permitting}.

Snacks include: Plain Whole Grain Cheerios, baby yogurt &/or Gerber Puffs.

Crafty Lil Beotch!

So according to Tom, I'm a "crafty lil bitch". ;) The cluttered mess all over our desk is proof. There's the project I did today...Twine-wrapped baby formula cans:
I KNEW there was a reason I kept them! ;) Super easy and cute!! Hopefully some of my clutter can be contained with these. Haha.

A few days ago I made a hanging Hurricane Lantern. I'd like a few more to hang in the trees outside. Pretty. You just take a dollar tree hurricane glass and wrap the top section with twine. Add "s" hooks to the sides and hang with twine. I added seashells and a seablue candle.
I am also dabbling in making my own feathers. You know...the kind EVERYONE is wearing in their hair. They sell on eBay for quite a bit so I'm thinkin I could make a lil cash that way.

The project I can't wait to finish...told ya there's alot! a Gift Card Purse. Yup, a purse made out of gift cards if you can believe that. I'll post a pic when I'm done. I need a total of 18 used {no value} gift cards and that's been the hardest part! Here's an example pic {mine will be much cuter!}

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

L Update

So this isn't one of my "daily" blogs, just an update on my life. Rori is now "talking" up a storm...we can't get her to stop, haha, but the squeals and sounds coming out of her are hilarious. She has been eating Rice Cereal, Oatmeal and most recently Green Bean baby food. {Which she isn't very fond of but still eats!} Next she'll get to try Carrots! This is all very exciting for the three of us, I love watching Rori grow up altho it is happening wayyy too fast! She'll be 6 months old tomorrow!!

I have had a hard time adjusting to living out in the country away from everyone and also not working. I have $8.61 in my account, so I am pretty much 100% dependant on Tom and I HATE it. I have always been a very independant person and I cannot wait til we move closer to the coast so I can get a job, have my own $ and be closer to my friends and siblings. Tom gives me everything I need and most of the things I want ;) like the Victoria's Secret bikini and AE jeans he bought me today. <3 I love him for trying so hard. Besides Rori he really is the best thing that has happened to me. Here's a pic of the bikini I'm gettin:

Tom got a raise and promotion at work so that is really going to help with buying a house {which we hopefully will be doing in the next 3-4 months.} Moving closer to the coast was my idea and Tom agreed with me knowing it would make me happy. :)

The dogs are all fine, Daisy will be 13 in December and her joints are stiff and she's a lil forgetful now and then, but you can't tell she's nearly 13 by looking at her. She still thinks she's a puppy. I've had a few friends have to put down their elderly dogs recently and it breaks my heart. I hope she makes it to 16!! ;) Rori LOVES the dogs, and they LOVE her right back. The weiners fight for her attention and Daisy lies down next to her all the time. I was a lil worried they wouldn't like her, especially Pebbles who has been known to growl at kids...but they all happily proved me wrong.  Rori has poked them in the eyes, pulled their ears and tails and they just sit there and take it. I love them for that.

Can't think of much else. Gonna go feed the Rorisaurus some Oatmeal, then finish cleaning the house. Our "new" washer decided to puke soapy water all over the lawn as I was tidying the patio. =/

Monday, June 20, 2011


Top 5 Films
  • Short Circuit {The first movie Tom and I watched together. We fell asleep at my old apartment with it on repeat LOL}
  • The Shawshank Redemption {Such an awesome movie!}
  • UP {Yes, the cartoon! I can watch it over and over...old ppl and dogs...2 of my fave things!!}
  • Any zombie or horror movie.
  • Anything directed by Rob Zombie. {House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Halloween}

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Top 5 Countries You’d Like To Visit
  • England. {I was born there and visited a lot until I was 12 and haven't been back since. I miss my entire family that still lives there and want to take Rori and Tom there to my roots.}
  • France  {I have been there before but was too young to appreciate and enjoy it thoroughly.}
  • Canada {Never been. So close but so far.}
  • Anywhere tropical. {I love hot beach weather and just wanna spend some time laying on a white sandy beach with crystal clear teal waters and an alcoholic beverage in hand!}
  • Ireland. {So green and beautiful, and I know a few Irish ppl I could visit.}

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Top 5 Home improvement projects you’d like to complete

  • Fence for the yard. To keep the coyotes and bobcats OUT and my dogs IN.
  • New couch and desk for living area.
  • Patio furniture and fire pit for yard and back porch.
  • New bigger {water proof!!} shed for storage.
  • Hang all pictures. {Landlord won't let us put ANY holes in the "special" walls.}